FASB Delves Into Sensible Token Classification

The Owl
By and The Owl
FASB Delves Into Sensible Token Classification

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is seeking feedback on its proposed treatment regarding the accounting for and disclosure of a narrow category of crypto assets. The proposed Accounting Standards Update (ASU) is intended to improve information provided to investors about a company’s crypto asset holdings.

Comments are due June 6 and may be submitted through the website or emailing comments to director [at] fasb [dot] org, File Reference No. 2023-ED200.

The ASU sets forth the accounting treatment for the class of crypto assets that meet the following criteria:

  • Are intangible assets;

  • Do not provide the asset holder with enforceable rights to, or claims on underlying goods, services, or other assets;

  • Are created on or reside on a blockchain;

  • Are secured through cryptography;

  • Are fungible; and

  • Are not created or issued by the reporting entity or its related parties.

Sound familiar?

This follows the principles discussed in the sensible token classification systemand in particular the class called “native DLT tokens”!

The IRS also recently discussed token classification. See our note on the guidance release, available here. Owl Explains is elated by these developments because proper token classification is Branch 3 of our Tree of Web3 Wisdom.

Under the ASU, reporting entities would need to measure at fair value changes in net income associated with this class of asset during each reporting period. Meanwhile, transaction costs related to acquiring this type of crypto asset, such as fees and commissions, would be recognized as an expense as incurred absent industry-specific guidance that the reporting entity capitalize those costs.

The ASU would also require these crypto assets to be presented separately from other intangible assets (whether tokenized or traditionally represented) on a reporting entity’s balance sheet and changes in the fair market value of crypto assets would be separate from changes in the carrying amounts of other intangible assets in the income statement. Further, if this type of crypto assets are received as noncash consideration in the ordinary course of business and they are almost immediately converted into cash (i.e., as payment for goods and services), then the entity would be required to classify those cash receipts for goods and services paid in crypto assets as cash flows from operating activities. The ASU also lists the information that would need to be disclosed with respect to crypto asset holdings.

Notably, based on these criteria, NFTs would likely be excluded from the ASU since NFTs often provide holders with certain rights to goods and services and they are not fungible, as opposed to fungible crypto assets that are used for general purposes on a blockchain.


owl in real life and tokenized picture

A Huge Thank You to Our Incredible Sponsors - Avalanche Summit LATAM 2024

As we gear up for the Avalanche Summit LATAM 2024, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to the sponsors who have made this event possible. Their support empowers us to bring together the brightest minds in the blockchain, crypto, and Web3 space for meaningful discussions, collaborations, and innovation. We are thrilled to partner with these visionary companies and organizations, each playing a vital role in pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the Web3 world. Without further ado, we’d like to introduce our valued sponsors: Platinum Owl Sidley Austin LLP Golden Owls Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Davis Polk & Wardwell Sher Tremonte Boreal Owls Fenwick Latham & Watkins Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Snowy Owl HJF Law Community Partner Global Blockchain Business Council Our sponsors are more than just logos on our website—they are leading law firms, trade associations, and innovators who share our passion for decentralization, transparency, and the transformative power of blockchain technology. What's on the Agenda? The Best of Buenos Aires! Imagine this: a summit filled with cutting-edge discussions, hands-on workshops, and networking opportunities with some of the brightest minds in blockchain, all set in the dynamic, bustling city of Buenos Aires. From exploring the iconic streets of San Telmo to the modern vibe of Puerto Madero, the Avalanche Summit is going to be an event that brings together innovation and the unique spirit of Argentina, Latin America, and beyond! 🇦🇷✨ And let’s not forget the local flair! From delicious Argentine cuisine (empanadas, anyone? 🥟) to the vibrant street art that colors the city, we’re blending tech with culture in a way only Buenos Aires can. To our sponsors—thank you for believing in this vision and helping us make it happen. Your support is turning this event into a groundbreaking moment for the Web3 community in LATAM. We can’t wait to see what we’ll achieve together! So, let’s give a big round of applause to these amazing partners and look forward to meeting up in Buenos Aires, where the future of blockchain is being written, one tango step at a time! 🎵 Get your tickets for 50% off using our code OWL50.

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By and The Owl
custom blockchains

Custom Blockchains: Shaping a Bespoke Future

The inception of blockchain technology, heralded by Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper on Bitcoin, ignited a revolution whose full magnitude is only now coming to light. Yet, the true marvel doesn't lie solely in the foundational concept outlined in 2008; it resides in the ongoing evolution, fueled by brilliant minds since. Today, we stand on a new frontier: customization. Picture a world where launching a tailored blockchain, precisely attuned to your requirements, is not just a possibility but a reality. Custom blockchains represent an evolution from the original Satoshi blueprint; they embody vibrant ecosystems full of innovation. This newfound flexibility empowers users to design blockchains endowed with specific features and functionalities. The result? New applications and diverse use cases.  Consider the foray of Sports Illustrated into blockchain technology, where sports fans securely purchase and trade verified tickets to their favorite events, all facilitated by a custom blockchain engineered for authenticity and transparency. This reality, where tickets unlock immersive experiences and collectibles, is not a distant dream but a tangible outcome crafted by forward-thinking enterprises. Similarly, Lemonade's* disruption in the insurance industry depicts the transformative potential of custom blockchains. Through their tailored solution, they've revolutionized weather insurance for small farmers, providing a seamless and transparent shield against unpredictable climate events. This paradigm shift underscores blockchain's role as a tangible force for positive change, far beyond mere rhetoric. The collaboration between Deloitte and FEMA** on disaster recovery reimbursement offers yet another glimpse into the power of custom blockchains. By leveraging blockchain technology, they've streamlined the reimbursement process, ensuring timely and transparent aid to those affected by disasters while simplifying audits. It's a compelling illustration of blockchain's capacity to enhance efficiency and accountability in critical domains. When it comes to loyalty programs and gaming, SK Global’s custom blockchain platform is at the vanguard of innovation. Their solution enables millions of South Korean telecom customers to use loyalty points across thousands of merchants, from real-world items to digital goods, with confidence in the authenticity and scarcity of their digital assets. This convergence of ecosystems and commerce, powered by blockchain technology, illuminates a path towards a more secure and transparent future for consumers and merchants alike. Even traditional financial institutions are embarking on the era of custom blockchains, with giants like Citi and JPM exploring the potential to trade traditional financial assets on custom platforms. This transition promises enhanced efficiency, transparency, and security in the financial landscape, marking a significant stride towards mainstream blockchain adoption. Whether revolutionizing real estate transactions, enhancing supply chain visibility, or reimagining loyalty programs, the space for innovation is extensive. What if we could tailor our digital ecosystems to align with our needs and aspirations? While some headlines may dwell on the volatility of cryptocurrencies, the true narrative lies in the transformative power of blockchain technology. We’re all about more hoot and less hype and recognize the capabilities of custom blockchains as canvases where creativity flourishes and ideas find their specific homes. It's time for Washington, and the world at large, to recognize custom blockchains as catalysts for innovation, efficiency, and inclusion across industries.  *Lemonade's use case: *Lemonade's use case: **Deloitte and FEMA: **Deloitte and FEMA:

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By and The Owl
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Proposed US Disclosure Guidelines for a Particular Category of Tokens

In the realm of blockchain, transparency is key, which is why The Proposed U.S. Disclosure Guidelines for a Particular Category of Tokens—revealed at the Sidley-Rutgers Fintech and Blockchain Symposium—signify a crucial step towards standardization in the blockchain industry. All feedback is welcome! Many trade associations are collaborating so you can provide feedback through them. Check out the full guidelines here.

The Owl
By and The Owl